The Test of True Friendship

True friendship works the same way as waiting for Love. You are never to go looking for Love, for she will find you in your own divine time when you are ready for Her. Friendships that were meant to be, happen spontaneously and by chance. Friendships that you go looking for, or friendships that you force to happen, will never be true. Sit back and think about the true good friends in your life right now and how you really met them. You will find out that they all stumbled into your life through a loved one, another friend, on the job, while pursuing a hobby, or randomly at an event.

Now think back to your initial feelings when you first came across these beautiful souls that have been good to you. You will find that when you met each one of them, you felt your soul smile and dance inside. Immediately both of you became excited and began communicating in a song of familiarity. You will also recognize that over time, this person has offered help, guidance, and support before you even asked them you needed it. They reciprocate your kindness or give more than they take, and have always added positive value to your life. Sometimes when we feel broken inside, we become blinded from Truth by our current situations, that we may sometimes push these true friends away. This is normal, but these friends will always come back to you when you need them.

Those that say they have thousands of friends are only fooling themselves. Each man in the universe was hand-selected only a handful of true friends from the divine and they can all be counted on one hand. Do not confuse an acquaintance or association as a true friend. This is why people get hurt and become frustrated when they feel cheated by people they considered their friends. This does not mean to close your hearts to friendships. Open them wide for you never know when a true friend will stumble into your world if you do not open the gates for them to find you. The relationships that come and go like the weather were meant to be transitional as such. They help shape us, break us, and re-build us into the titans we were meant to be. Transitional relationships exist only to teach us something we need to know about ourselves — to help us evolve into better human beings.

True friends will always be there to hold you up when these transitional relationships blow in and out of your life like the wind. True friends bring the sunshine into your life. They will guide you or hold your hand until the storm has passed, and the dark clouds have made way for the sun. If you do not have people like this in your life, it’s because you have failed to acknowledge true friendship at your doorstep. Do not judge another man based on his appearance, what he has in his pockets, his skills, hobbies, degrees, or personal lifestyle — for all that is irrelevant in the game of friendship. When you start judging beautiful souls that may appear to you as crows, you will always find yourself alone. You will be your own scarecrow.

You will know if a person you are excited to have as a friend is a true friend or not — only with Time. Time tests all relationships. Yet the easiest test of them all is the test that comes from Truth. If your soul dances the same way, with no hurt feelings, when you have not seen your friend for years, and the common song you once both shared plays the same notes as if you have just met them again for the first-time, or had never separated, then your friend is worth more than their weight in pure solid gold. True friendships are born to stay and never fade away. If you have a friend who always harms you, envies you, pushes you down, has cheated you even once, and competes with you in the negative, then wake up. What you have around you is nothing but fool’s gold. Dispose of the relationship like you would cast away a pebble and wait, for the sun will shine over a worthier stone and present it to you…after it turns it into pure shining GOLD.

By Suzy Kassem

More posts by Suzy Kassem available at: STYLEISKING.BLOGSPOT.COM or SUZYKASSEM.COM
